Sunday, February 25, 2024

This is The Man Who Deserves Your Love

Love the man who makes you laugh. Love the man who gives you his time instead of sugarcoating his absence with material gifts love the man who brags about you to others when you’re not around.

Love the man who knows the difference between fucking and making love and does both when the timing is right. Love the man who makes it safe to lay on his chest while he strokes your hair when you’ve had a bad day.

Love the man who can stand in the background and watch you in the spotlight, with a smile without it, threatening his masculinity.

Love the man who thinks you are your sexiest when you’re in the bathroom with messy hair or brushing your teeth while wearing his T-shirt. Love the man who wants you to fulfil your dreams and stand by your side as you do so. This is the man who deserves your love .

Concrete Angel 


Just Tired

She’s just tired. When a strong woman finally gives up it’s not because she’s weak or because she no longer loves her man. To put it in the simplest term she’s just tired she’s tired of the games she’s tired of the sleepless nights. She’s tired of feeling like she’s all alone and the only one trying. She’s just tired.

Some might say that woman is weak for giving up on a relationship but I disagree. When you’ve done all you can and you’ve reached that point where you feel physically emotionally and spiritually drain you’re only option left is to leave. Not because you want to because you have to for your own sanity and peace of mind.

Concrete Angel


How Frustrating


I'm Moving on With My Life

You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won’t happen automatically you will have to rise up and say, I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I am not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.

Concrete Angel



Choice is the most powerful tool we have. Everything boils down to choice we exist in a field of infinite possibilities. Every choice we make shut and infinite numbers of doors and also opens an infinite number of doors to. So, at any point, we can change the direction of our lives by a simple choice. It’s all in our hands, our hearts and in our minds.

Concrete Angel


What I Have Learned from Life

What I’ve learned from life is that for every inch of sadness lies a foot of happiness ahead. I’ve learned that the simplest of times brings the grace of pleasures and the hardest goodbyes which can often lead to the best hellos. I’ve learned that crazy chances guide us to unexpected discoveries, and that tough times unveil the sincerity of people. I’ve learned that you have to hold onto your smile every day and free yourself of that frown.

I’ve learned that we can get through the hardest times in life but also realize It just takes time and love to heal.

Concrete Angel 


It's Going to be OK

Sometimes the door closes not because we fail, but because something bigger than us says this no longer fits our life. So, lock the door, shed your tears, and when you’re ready, turn around and look for the new door that’s opened. It’s a sign that you’re no longer that person you were, it’s time to change into who you are.

It’s going to be OK you got this

Concrete Angel


Don't Be Afraid to Get Back Up


You Will Come Across People in Your Life

You will come across many people in your life. They will all have a purpose to fulfill. Some will teach you a lesson and someone will leave your soul wounded. Someone will love you for their selfish motives and some will love you unconditionally. Some will cheat on you, lie to you and stab you in the back.

Learn from the lesson's life teaches you and don’t waste your time on people who are there in your life for their own convenience and who never take you seriously. Don’t allow people to use you for their selfish reasons. Just be strong and don’t let anything break you or leave you shattered.

Choose the people whom you want in your life and notice the red flag and the signs that your body gives you when you’re around them.

Concrete Angel 


Loving You Hurt Alot

Loving you hurt a lot, but there was a time when it was the most beautiful feeling I ever known, so I hold onto that and let the painful part go.
That’s how I save myself, by choosing to remember the good instead of dwelling on the bad. Because loving you hurt a lot, but it didn’t compare to the pain that came from losing myself.
I wrote this for me as a reminder that I can choose what to carry and what to put down. I had a memorial for all that was heavy and I laid it to rest and told myself you’re not mine to carry then threw flowers across the top and went to celebrate myself from that day on .
I wrote this for me because loving you hurt a lot and choosing myself is the only way to save myself. I died 100 times in your arms, and you hurt me in so many ways so today I lay everything down that hurts and I choose me.
Concrete Angel


If They Can't Understand

If they can understand why I’m hurt, they’ll stop doing it
But they won’t. They wouldn’t have done it in the first place if they were a decent human being.
Concrete Angel


Lets Be Honest


Rule Number 1


Stop Begging People to Stay

Stop begging them to be what you wish they were which they could never be. Accept the pain of watching them leave. It hurts This is certain, but it will hurt less than pleading for the heart of someone who doesn’t want you or loves you and keeps abusing you.
Relinquish control of the situation of their actions and your need to try to make them love you and make it work.
Stop and try to step in before they get the chance to hurt you. Or Let them hurt you so you can see who they are. You will heal with time and grace and self trust you will heal. You can get over a person but it is so much more painful to try to get over the realization that the one you love is only with you because you begged them to be.
Concrete Angel


Butterflys are not Born with Wings


I Promise You


Starting the Journey


Stop Choosing Sides Without Knowing


You Got Your Closure


Live Your Life with Purpose

Focus on your blessings, not your misfortune. Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses. Be yourself and don’t wait for the approval of others but most importantly have a positive and humble mindset no matter what situation you are in count your blessings not your problems and you will realize how beautiful your life truly is.


Some Bridges are Beautiful When Burn


Today is The Day


They were doing all along


Monday, February 19, 2024

It's OK to be Me Again

I started calling the girl back… the one who loved living, who danced instead of walking. The girl who has sunflowers in her eyes and fireworks in our soul.

I started playing music again, hoping she would come out. I looked for beautiful moments so she could feel safe enough to come out.

Because I knew she was in there … she just needed me to show her. It was OK to be me again.

Concrete Angel


Nobody Knows the Real Me

Nobody knows the real me… nobody knows how many times I sat in my room and cried. How many times I’ve lost hope. how many times I’ve been let down by the people I love. How many times I felt like I was going to snap. how many times I have had to hold back tears when I’m sad and the bad thoughts that go through my mind.

Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles that nobody knows about. I keep myself together the best I could and can only those who have known darkness can truly appreciate the light.

Concrete Angel 


I Have Loved

I have loved, and I have lost and I have changed. It has been difficult but I have learned so much from it. I have learned that people can hurt you so deeply and horribly and treat you cruelly and not even worry about you.

I have learned that good people can change in a minute when their hearts have been broken. I have also met great people, but also very cruel, mean people as well, but the most important thing I have learned is that every person in this world is strong enough to let go.

People come and go and that’s life! The most important thing is to stand up and realize that you deserve something better than a person who is cruel and mean.

When there is more tears than smiles leave. When there are more fights than jokes leave. When it hurts more than it feels good leave. They don’t have the right to destroy you. Just because you love them. And loving them doesn’t mean you have to stay.

Concrete Angel 


You Are Not Lazy


At Some Point


My Silence Means I'm Tired of Fighting

My silence means I’m tired of fighting, and now there is nothing left to fight for. My silence means I’m tired of explaining my feelings to you, but now I don’t have the energy to explain them anymore. My silence means I have adapted to the changes in my life and I don’t want to complain. My silence means I am on a self healing process, and I am trying to forget everything I ever wanted from you. My silence means I am just trying to move on gracefully with all my dignity.

My silence means I’m just tired of fighting.

Concrete Angel 


My Ancestors

As I stand upon the shoulders of my ancestors I hear them whispering through my ears wisdom and understanding which have been pass down through the years. Teaching me to look at all the things with a new wonder and light. So that I can open my heart and see without using my sight.

Concrete Angel


She Wasn't One of the Crows

She wasn’t one of the crows searching for trinkets of shiny things. She was the Raven of Oden. She was beautiful, powerful with magic dripping from her wings a creature of darkness. Yet the brightness she brings are of a warrior, a goddess, and was worthy of no less than a king.

Concrete Angel


Misplacing it in someone else's hands

The biggest comeback is being responsible for your own happiness after misplacing it in someone else’s hands.

You have the power in you to change anything and it will always take time. But you got this and you’ll get through this you are strong and beautiful.

Concrete Angel


Being Traumatized

Telling a survivor to leave it in the past is dismissing the reality of their nervous system and body. No one wants to relive traumatic experience on an ongoing basis. Survivors respond to past trauma, because they are traumatized not because they are unwilling to let it go.
It takes a lot of courage for a loved one to open up to you about a traumatic experience they’ve been through. Trauma can span a range of events like physical or emotional abuse, sexual assault, a car accident, a health crisis, a shooting, a natural disaster or the death of a loved one (just to name a few).
So, when a person you care about decides to share their personal story, you want to respond to their pain in the “right” way — but it can be hard to know what that is. Often, in trying to be supportive, friends or family inadvertently say something insensitive that backfires and causes hurt instead.
Your response has the power to show them that it’s safe to open up to people or that it’s better to stay quiet, People don’t need advice, solutions, comparisons or trite comments about suffering. They need listening, empathy and support on their terms.”




To Anyone Having Difficult Time

Anyone who is having a difficult time:
Remember how far you’ve come. Remember how strong you are to get to this point. Remember the days that you thought you would never get through this …you did every day was a steppingstone.

Remember these are the days that will turn you inside out and forced you to take a better look at yourself. Your eyes will become wide-open, and you will pull your ears a little tighter in so you can hear that quiet voice inside you telling you of all the dreams you’ve hidden away.

Yes, there will be Days that will take more out of you than they put in. But remember how you started your first step to bring back your strength. You are starting to learn that these days are just like any other day, and you have to keep your eyes on the road ahead.

Remember how you learned to smiled through the bitterness of lost friendships and broken hearts but you still kept going taking steps every day to find your peace.

Remember, how you always believed when young were what’s meant for me will come. But in time and patience first, you have to heal and grow strong.

So, I hate to tell you that you will have to stroll through this thing called life and learn to love yourself again and keep your pride in your heart. But most importantly you will learn not to give a second glance to those who didn’t know what you were worth.

So to anyone who is having a difficult time remember your journey in healing will not be easy and often it will seem like life takes more away from you than it gives. But be strong and take baby steps through the stones.

Just keep reminding yourself how far you come and every day that passes is another steppingstone. Remember that you can do this no matter what and you will get through this.

Concrete Angel 

Dear Self

Dear self,

I just want to remind you of the incredible person you are. You face challenges, growing, and learned. Keep being kind to yourself, embrace your imperfections and celebrate your uniqueness. Believe in your dreams and your journey. Most importantly, never forget to love and care for yourself as you do for others. You deserve all the love, happiness, and success life offers.

With love and believe in you

Concrete Angel


Sunday, February 18, 2024

You are a Reminder

 You are a reminder.

A reminder to be cautious of who I invest my time in. You are a reminder to see people for who they are and not who they pretend to be or for who they say they are.

You are a reminder to associate only with those who treat me fairly and with kindness.

You are a reminder that I don’t need to listen to negative words, criticism, and assumptions.

You are my reminder that I don’t have to be around negative people who need to find fault, devalue, belittle, or disrespect me.

You are a reminder of these and many other things that you put me through.

You taught me how to walk on the safe side of the road.

Concrete Angel 

After You Get Cheated On

After you get cheated on, it literally fucks you up. You think about every single thing someone says to you twice, shit maybe even three times trying to figure out if they were just lying to you or if they really mean what they say.

You have this constant fucking anxiety they are hiding something or they’re going to just randomly leave you and you start to overthink of all the possibilities.

So please if you are dating someone that’s been cheated on understand it’s not you it’s the piece of shit that came before you and we’re sorry you have to clean up their mess, but we really are trying to trust again so help us prove that we can.

Concrete Angel

Never Tell

 One of the greatest ways the enemy comes against us is by putting wrong thoughts into our minds. The Bible says the devil …is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44 NIV). The truth is not in him, and he will bombard your mind with lies until you believe what he’s saying.

Have you ever had thoughts like, you’re no good or You’re all alone and nobody cares about you? Those are lies straight from the pit of hell. God says you’re valuable, you’re precious and He loves you.

Concrete Angel

I was Kind When You Didn't Deserve it

I was kind of even when you didn’t deserve it
I was kind even when you treated me so badly.
I was kind, even when I heard everything that you said about me, I was kind.
I wasn’t kind because of who you are, I was kind because of who I am.
I don’t pray for you to be punished, that’s too easy.
I only pray that I have the courage to continue to be kind no matter what you do to me.

Concrete Angel

Let Them Say What They Want

Letting someone create a faults narrative of you is a small price to pay for having rid yourself of their toxicity. Let them say what they want.

But you, and the most highest know the truth, and your life will flourish, and their lies will rot theirs .

Concrete Angel

The Real Luxuries In Life


The real luxuries in life:

Slow mornings
Freedom to choose
A good night’s sleep
Peace of mind
Calm and boring days
Be present
People you love and people who love you back .
Concrete Angel

If I treated, you the way you treated me

 I f I treated you the way you treated me, i'm sure you would hate me. this statement is a powerful reflection of the way we treat other...