Monday, January 29, 2024

She's not giving up she's healing

 She’s not crazy, she was abused. She’s not stupid, she was manipulated. She’s not shy she’s protecting herself. She’s not bitter. She’s speaking the truth. She’s not hanging onto the past. She’s been damaged. She’s not delusional. She’s lived a nightmare. She’s not weak she was trusting . She’s not giving up she’s healing and it takes time.

You will get through this it takes time and do it on your own time.

Concrete Angel

I promise to my nervous system

 I no longer engage with people who give my brain, unpredictable, highs and lows. Instead, I choose people who can offer my nervous system, the stability and consistency. It deserves.

Concrete Angel

The Life of a Narcissistic abuse victim

 The hardest part is knowing they don’t care. Everything they put you through means absolutely nothing to them. You are not even passing thought in their mind, and they go on with their lives, like nothing happened, while you are left, picking up the pieces of your broken heart and shattered life.

You don’t even get the support you deserve because most people don’t understand the kind of pain you’ve been through.
This is the life of a narcissistic abuse victim.
You will get through this and are strong.
Maria Consiglio
Concrete Angel

Some people will never believe your story


A Built Up Storm

 A built-up storm

I didn’t just pack my bags, one day and leave. There were months and months of buildup, pain, anger, and resentment. I get that you’re upset but understand how difficult this is for me as well. I want forever with you, but you refuse to grow up or change .

You don’t understand the level of pain you suffer trying to decide if you should chose loving yourself or loving someone else because you can’t do both.

If I love me I can’t stand by your side and allow you to get away with the things such as abuse and your behaviour that I have done all this time. I love you but I’m only disappointing and disrespecting myself, and I’m putting myself in a position where I won’t ever have any true peace.

You were supposed to be the one, despite all that happen it didn’t work out the way either of us planned.

I want to make one thing very clear me choosing to walkway doesn’t mean I didn’t love you. But if you want to discuss how much I couldn’t have loved you for walking away or I couldn’t have invested time in our future. Just make sure you include the effort from you to change or grow up and stop abusing me. Make sure you include the betrayal and make sure you include you never loved me, but needed me. make sure you remember the times I cried, asking you to stop.

Remember, I had to make a choice because you wouldn’t change or see me.

Concrete Angel

It's scary before it becomes easy

 Your life doesn’t have to be exactly how it looks today. You have everything within you to make a change. Change your thoughts, change your routines, change your habits, make a change, any change even a small step, or a giant leap.

But dip your toes in or even take that giant jump. There is something new in front of you.

Even if the life you dream of looks a little different to how it is today, make a small change it’s all up to you.

Concrete Angel

A Narcissist will continue on in their Dark Journey

 Narcissists will go from person to person looking for someone to fill their emptiness. Desperately trying to find the magic that will ease the hollowness in their soul. Only to fail over and over again. They live lonely desperate lives never really connecting with anyone but desperately needing their energy to survive.

There is no living happily ever after with the new supply. It is a misconception that the narcissist has moved on and living their best life.

The truth is, you will survive and heal, and you can even love again. But the narcissist will continue on in their dark journey never feeling whole or satisfied with anything or anyone.

Maria Consiglio
Concrete Angel 

Year of the Dragon

 Goodbye January

Grateful for the lessons, laughter, and tears. Cheers to the friends who stayed, and those who moved on both were vital roles. Celebrating realized dreams and those in progress. You’ve exposed my flaws, revealing my best self.

Thanks for the tough times that taught me to heal alone moments that made me appreciate myself and critics who push me to love myself more. Grateful for the highs, surviving the low and chasing every beautiful moment.

This is my year I deserve it, claim it and totally own it

Concrete Angel

May you never


Tomorrows Troubles


You're Beginning to Understand

 You’re beginning to understand that the whole world is inside you: In your perspectives, and in your heart. To be able to find peace, you must be at peace with yourself first and to truly enjoy life, you must enjoy who you are, and once you’ve learned how to master this, you will be protected from anything that makes you feel like you cannot go on.

With you understanding this gift of recognizing yourself, even when you are alone, you will never be lonely.

Concrete Angel

Nobody Ever Talks about this part

 Nobody ever talks about this part where you know the part where you’re no longer a caterpillar, and not yet a butterfly.

You don’t know who you are and you don’t know where you’re going. All that you know is that every fibre of your being is calling for transformation. For disruption and for a revolution of the spirit.

So surrender. Breakdown. This is not the death of you. This is the dying of who you once were. This is your rebirth. And these are called growing pains.

Concrete Angel

My Home

My home will be home with no loud anger, no explosive rage, no slamming doors or breaking glass, no name-calling, shaming, or blackmail. My home will be gentle, it will be warm. It will keep my loved ones safe. No fear, no hurt, no worries. I may come from a broken and twisted place but I will build something whole and safe.

I was singing in the shower again, cook with a smile and dancing in all the rooms.

I will heal
Concrete Angel


Many Years Walking on Eggshells

 I spent so many years walking on eggshells…. Never doing the right thing one day I decided I had enough and stomped all over them. Those broken eggshells cut me deeply as I walked away… but this was the most beautiful pain I had ever felt.

Concrete Angel

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Taste of your own medicine.

 Don’t give them a taste of their own medicine. They already know what it taste like. Give yourself a taste of your own medicine to heal.

If they lied, let your medicine be honesty. If they played with your emotions, let your medicine be maturity, if they broke you, let your medicine start healing you. If they made you cry, let your medicine make you smile again.

These remedies of yours may take years to work at but they work, and they last. So be patient. Stay true to yourself, and remember this. It is better for people to value you for who you are, not for who you pretend to be.

Who you are will last a lifetime . Who you pretend to be will change like the changes of season.

Don’t be afraid to be yourself, even if it means removing yourself from lives that you want to be in. You are no doubt worthy of being valued for who you are so be who you are.

Concrete Angel 

People Only Love when it is beneficial for them


Unless You're a Survivor

 Unless you are a survivor of emotional abuse, you have no idea what it means to fight daily battles in your head with a person you no longer have contact with. Verbal emotional and physical abuse has residual effects on the survivor. You don’t just get over it. it takes time.

Concrete Angel

Stay away from People who Can't Take Responsibility


I'm Done

 This is the part of my life where I silently removed myself from anyone who hurts me more than they love me, drains me more than they replenish me, brings me more stress than they do peace, and tries to stunt my growth rather than clap for it. I think that I’ve done more than enough talking and trying to make things work with certain people.

I’m just done

Concrete Angel

You Have a Soft Heart

 You have a soft heart and a pure soul that’s why you feel everything so deeply. Be clear on one thing this is your superpower, not your weakness the world needs more of you, so don’t suppress who you are.

It is not your job to make sure you’re kind nature remains intact throughout your journey. Stay close to those who generally appreciate you, and stay far away from those whose only goal is to take advantage of your energy. You are one of the rare gems of the universe that has been blessed with heightened clairvoyance and divinity.

Keep shining your light everywhere you go you will get through this.

Concrete Angel 


 This is just the beginning. You have so much more to do and discover. I know it feels like you should be further along by now, but be patient with yourself, good things take time, and there is no need to rush this beautiful journey you are on.

Take each day as it comes and make the most of it. Rest easy, knowing that things are falling into place, and everything is coming together just like how you hoped they would in your mind. Don’t waste any time on precious breaths comparing your progress to anyone else .

Inspiration goes so much further than comparison, and you’re far too special and unique to measure your success by external factors.

Good things take time, and my dear your destined for the extraordinary.

Concrete Angel 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

If You Think You Wasted Years Think Again

Every smile you cracked, every bit of comfort you found, and every small step forward counts immensely. This year might not have unfold as you planned.
Yes, there were mistakes, unexpected, endings, unmet Goals, and moments that left you puzzled. But amidst All that, you grew, you learned, and most importantly, you preserved. Your journey through this year is a statement of your resilience and your dying spirit to move forward.
As you stand at the threshold of a new beginning, take time to celebrate your journey, your survival, and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.
Concrete Angel


The Real You is Under the Trauma

 Under the heartbreak is the real you. The real you is behind the grief and the tears that have been weighing you down who you are today-you are in the midst of the heartbreak-is not you.

This are you who has been forced to the forefront because of what you’ve gone through. This is you who is a coping mechanism. Someone who is trying to learn, heal. It’s heavy to be you. I know.

It’s exhausting and draining and at the end of each day you wish you would remove this front and rest into someone who is much more at peace. This is not you.

The Real is beneath this person who is just trying to survive. The real you will step out into the world and feel the breeze in the daylight again.

It’s just going to take some time. You will feel whole again.

Concrete Angel

I know I have Changed I had To.

 Life demanded change for me. I saw myself walking the path of pleasing others, letting myself down, and ignoring my own heart. I knew if I didn’t pivot I would end up with too little joy and too much regret. So I did it. I asked myself what I wanted what I needed. What would make me happy what would make my heart full.
And the answer to those questions produce an entirely different version of me. One that many didn’t recognize, and one that many felt uncomfortable with, but you see that’s because I was no longer putting their needs above mine. so I let some people fall away. I wish them well and continued on my journey and somewhere in this process I started to buy me again, so yes, I have changed finally I’ve changed into myself.
Concrete Angel
Parm KC

I am Not Sorry

 I am not sorry

I’m not sorry I developed boundaries. I’m not sorry you like me better when I was a People pleaser. I am not sorry you don’t recognize me now since I started loving myself. I’m not sorry for my big dreams that make you feel small. I’m not sorry I put myself first this time and started saying no to what doesn’t serve me.

I’m not sorry I took you off the pedestal. I’m not sorry I stopped letting you call the shots and calling me names. I’m not sorry that I began to speak up and voicing my opinions to things I did not like as abuse.

I’m not sorry that I grew and changed. I’m not sorry I stopped letting you walk all over. I’m not sorry that I finally realize I deserve better. I’m sorry that I have forgiven my past self. I’m not sorry that I can’t forgive those who done the unforgivable cruel things to me. I’m not sorry but I’ve learned how to value myself. I’m not sorry that I finally see my own worth.

Parm K.c
Concrete Angel 

I Need Someone Who Will Show Me

 Don’t just tell me you love me make sure you also show me. Speak to me kindly, support my dreams. Take an interest in my interest, as I would yours. Get to know my family, my friends my past and let me get to know yours.

Listen, when I speak, hear me, and I really mean hear me. Don’t judge me by who I used to be, but by who I am today. Cheer for me when I fly and be there when I fall.

Don’t just love me when I shine. Love me when I’m dark and sit in the dark with me and let us share our light with each other. Don’t let my absence change the way you talk about me. Remember things about me the way I take the coffee, my favorite music, the time of day I would get grumpy. I just want you to see me see who I am beyond my looks, my job, and my so-called status. Travel with me and let’s see the world through my eyes.

Listen to me when I need to vent and sit with me in silence when words won’t soothe me. Anyone could tell me they love me. I need someone who will show me.

Concrete Angel 

You are not Damaged Goods

 You’ve gone through some tragic incidents none of which you deserved. You’ve suffered through situations No one should ever have to witness or endure.. But you are not damaged goods.
You are a fighter better yet you’re a survivor, you’ve learned to become a warrior through the pain . You deserve happiness, you deserve love, and you deserve peace.
No one may ever understand what you went through, but whatever it is, it doesn’t erase or lower your value of your worth. You are valuable and worthy and deserving of love.

Abuse is Abuse


It's Refreshing

It’s refreshing to see how much fight you have in you. You fought with your entire being to make that toxic relationship work. I mean you would have done whatever it took right? You kept pieces of yourself away. You would’ve crossed the oceans and ran over mountains to make it work with them.

When I say refreshing, it’s because even if you don’t believe it or see you right now it's because you’re in this immeasurable amount of pain. which is understandable, you are a warrior. You have this undeniable strength in you.

You kept fighting, even when they’ve shown you constantly abuse. Trust me they weren’t worth fighting for. But you thought despite being pushed away, being walked on, stepped over, betrayed, etc. That they shut the light out inside you, but they didn’t, and it didn't stop you.

You were determined to love that person passed all of their abuse and make them see how unconditionally you love them.

Now imagine …. just image using that strength, that energy, and that fight on yourself imagine not giving up on you. Imagine not holding onto your past against you. Despite how often you let yourself down or mistakes, you gave yourself, another chance. You will keep fighting you will keep going through the emotions and battles. But you are a warrior.

Just Imagine fighting every day to prove to yourself that you’re worthy of being loved. You have it within yourself and has made you a warrior now have to be a warrior for you.

Don't Quite

Concrete Angel 
All reactions:
Linda, Doug and 3 others


If I treated, you the way you treated me

 I f I treated you the way you treated me, i'm sure you would hate me. this statement is a powerful reflection of the way we treat other...