Sunday, January 21, 2024

It's Refreshing

It’s refreshing to see how much fight you have in you. You fought with your entire being to make that toxic relationship work. I mean you would have done whatever it took right? You kept pieces of yourself away. You would’ve crossed the oceans and ran over mountains to make it work with them.

When I say refreshing, it’s because even if you don’t believe it or see you right now it's because you’re in this immeasurable amount of pain. which is understandable, you are a warrior. You have this undeniable strength in you.

You kept fighting, even when they’ve shown you constantly abuse. Trust me they weren’t worth fighting for. But you thought despite being pushed away, being walked on, stepped over, betrayed, etc. That they shut the light out inside you, but they didn’t, and it didn't stop you.

You were determined to love that person passed all of their abuse and make them see how unconditionally you love them.

Now imagine …. just image using that strength, that energy, and that fight on yourself imagine not giving up on you. Imagine not holding onto your past against you. Despite how often you let yourself down or mistakes, you gave yourself, another chance. You will keep fighting you will keep going through the emotions and battles. But you are a warrior.

Just Imagine fighting every day to prove to yourself that you’re worthy of being loved. You have it within yourself and has made you a warrior now have to be a warrior for you.

Don't Quite

Concrete Angel 
All reactions:
Linda, Doug and 3 others


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