Monday, January 29, 2024

A Built Up Storm

 A built-up storm

I didn’t just pack my bags, one day and leave. There were months and months of buildup, pain, anger, and resentment. I get that you’re upset but understand how difficult this is for me as well. I want forever with you, but you refuse to grow up or change .

You don’t understand the level of pain you suffer trying to decide if you should chose loving yourself or loving someone else because you can’t do both.

If I love me I can’t stand by your side and allow you to get away with the things such as abuse and your behaviour that I have done all this time. I love you but I’m only disappointing and disrespecting myself, and I’m putting myself in a position where I won’t ever have any true peace.

You were supposed to be the one, despite all that happen it didn’t work out the way either of us planned.

I want to make one thing very clear me choosing to walkway doesn’t mean I didn’t love you. But if you want to discuss how much I couldn’t have loved you for walking away or I couldn’t have invested time in our future. Just make sure you include the effort from you to change or grow up and stop abusing me. Make sure you include the betrayal and make sure you include you never loved me, but needed me. make sure you remember the times I cried, asking you to stop.

Remember, I had to make a choice because you wouldn’t change or see me.

Concrete Angel

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