Saturday, January 27, 2024

Taste of your own medicine.

 Don’t give them a taste of their own medicine. They already know what it taste like. Give yourself a taste of your own medicine to heal.

If they lied, let your medicine be honesty. If they played with your emotions, let your medicine be maturity, if they broke you, let your medicine start healing you. If they made you cry, let your medicine make you smile again.

These remedies of yours may take years to work at but they work, and they last. So be patient. Stay true to yourself, and remember this. It is better for people to value you for who you are, not for who you pretend to be.

Who you are will last a lifetime . Who you pretend to be will change like the changes of season.

Don’t be afraid to be yourself, even if it means removing yourself from lives that you want to be in. You are no doubt worthy of being valued for who you are so be who you are.

Concrete Angel 

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