Wednesday, January 17, 2024

You Deserve So Much More

 No matter how sad it makes you don’t let it get to you. These feelings will fade away with time. You deserve so much more. You deserve to be happy and good days will come to you. It may be far, but it will come to you one day.

You will meet someone who will make you the happiest, despite everything. Someone who will care and accept all your flaws. Everyone doesn’t get along because we are all different with different flaws. Having a flaw is OK you are a human being.
It’s OK to make mistakes, but you need to learn from them also. You need to survive through it and you will survive it. You are so much stronger.
Don’t let others take that strength from you. When people let you down or hurt you think of it as a lesson and get up and fight for what is right.
You have a purpose in life and you matter. You deserve so much more than what you’ve gotten.
Be strong you’ll get through this.
Concrete Angel

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