Wednesday, January 17, 2024

You will find the Kind of Love You Deserve

 When you meet your person, you will know. It won’t just be chemistry, or interest, or attraction. It won’t be about how tall they are, or what job they have, or how much money they make.

It will be this perfect mix of absolutely everything, but nothing can point your fingers at it and say it’s because of that. It just works and it’s not hard, or complicated, or confusing.
You will know how they feel, and you will know how you feel. Read that again if you have to. You are finally the one getting your turn at being completely head over heels and in love with the kind of love where the world stop spinning, and time will stand still.
It will be where you open up in Ways, you never thought you would or could or wanted to. And none of it will be scary.
When you meet that person, you Will stop worrying and measuring and planning and you just start content in the beautiful simple truth that the world is big, and life is good, and the time was right.
You will have each other and one day this will happen. Just be who you are don’t change for no one and that day will come.
Concrete Angel

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