Sunday, January 21, 2024

Toxic People are Dangerous

 They don’t always come in angry, hateful, or envious.

There are times where the red flags aren’t as apparent and clear as people make it seem. Sometimes they come in charming, and they sweep you off your feet and you fall for it, and you start getting to a point where you’re confident that they would never hurt you. At least not intentionally so, you let everything slide.
You begin to start to sweep everything under the rug because there’s no way this sweet, charming, loving person could ever be harmful or hurtful to you.
Sometimes they’ve been a part of your life for so long that you start becoming immune to the signs. It becomes normal to you. That’s just the way they are.
Toxic people can be family or could be your best friends since childhood, or even your partner that you’ve been in a relationship for such a long period of time.
Other times it’s them constantly reassuring you that they love you more than anything in the world, and saying they are sorry and will change but it’s only ever after they hurt you.
There are times where they come in and say how dare you play victim when I hurt you? How dare you try to make me take accountability for hurting you? I hurt you but I’m the victim here can’t you see? They do this so you start questioning it and you start thinking I shouldn’t be upset about anything that’s clearly hurt me.
Toxic people are dangerous, manipulative, vindictive, loving, caring, Gaslighter, charming, and sweet with a victim's mentality etc.
So toxic people can be extremely dangerous.
Stay strong and take a stand.
Concrete Angel

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