Saturday, May 6, 2023


I have loved so many things in this world. I love flowers: the smell, the colors, the way that putting them in my hair or behind my ears makes me feel ten times more beautiful. I love the sunshine, no matter how much it burns my fair skin, I’ll always love it. I love salt water, whether we’re talking about happy tears or ocean water­ I am a fan. I love animals & coffee & journals with empty pages for me to fill, I love the smell of books (old or new), and I like the open road paired with good music.

More than anything my heart has an endless ability to love people.

Despite my best efforts to hate the hearts who have hurt me, or to stop caring about the souls that got away, I can’t. I have started to see that having a heart that has the ability to love after the fact is actually pretty beautiful.

There are a lot of people in this world walking around who have no idea that they took up permanent residency in my heart from the moment I met them. Childhood friends who got me through all the hardships that I experienced too early in life. Boys who took me home in their cars and let me choose the music and boys who made me feel like I hung the moon. Friends who let me cry on their shoulders & who pulled me out of bed to remind me what it feels like to really live after it had been too long. People who I pushed away, people who found a different path, even the people who are here now and in my daily life; I don’t think I can stop caring. 

So, if you’re like me, and your heart has been hurt by someone you used to know, by a heart you used to love, I hope you’re brave enough to allow your heart to be light instead of bitter.

I hope that instead of thinking about how your heart was broken, I hope you remember all the reasons you cared and loved for so long. The way your name sounded in their voice, the way they made you brave, the late nights, the random acts of friendship, the adventures.

Please know there is a reason you loved the hearts you loved, and it’s okay to still care.

You are not weak, you are not stupid, you are human, and sometimes we can’t help the hands our hearts fall into.

Whatever hands your heart has fallen into, I hope they treat it gently and love you boldly.

You are not alone.

Tuesday D’Eon

Concrete Angels


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