Tuesday, April 4, 2023

How do you rebuild a life?

 How do you rebuild a life when you feel broken, worthless, empty and unlovable? When you feel devastated and deeply humiliated by the failure of a relationship into which you had poured everything you had?

First off, it felt like I was playing a game of real-life blind man’s buff, wandering blindfolded through an alien environment, crashing into one difficulty after another.

Trying to find my way through the nightmare of separating a narcissistic, abusive partner - even with lawyers involved – was terrifying and exhausting.

I realized that this was my one life, and I couldn’t afford to get it wrong.  Trying to muddle through just wasn’t good enough. I needed all the information and help I could possibly get.

So, I started finding out all I could about abusive relationships and narcissistic partners both in books and on the Internet. I did counselling and therapy. Plus, I got myself a coach. At first, I was constantly worried sick about whether I could afford it and whether or not I was worth it.

Then, as the fog of abuse started to lift, I began to see myself for the very first time as the adult woman I truly was. To my amazement, I found that I had gifts and talents I had never even known about. I started to see how blessed I was. Admittedly, I had not had a loving marriage or a supportive family of origin. But I had my best friend, and a future that I was free to create.

It wasn’t always easy. But it has been incredibly worthwhile. When you come through the hell of an abusive relationship, you discover that you have a second chance at life.


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