Ever wondered why the narcissist chose you? Course, you have. It is a question most survivors wrestle with at some point. It is a natural part of sense making & trying to understand what you have endured.
At the outset of healing, because of the effects of narcissistic abuse, we tend to frame the question as a negative reflection of ourselves: “How did I end up with someone like this? What’s wrong with me? I thought I was a strong/intelligent person, but maybe they chose me because I’m a pushover/stupid?” etc…
My central purpose in this piece is to flip this way of thinking.
In your journey through research or therapy, you may have come across the view that targets are generally intelligent, attractive, accomplished and/or strong people.
But I know you gorgeous one. I know how quickly you’ll dismiss this perspective as a glib effort on behalf of well-wishers to raise the spirits of survivors when reeling from the psychological pounding suffered at the hands of the narc.
But what if these characteristics are closer descriptors of who you are, than those the narcissist would have you believe?
Not likely you think?
I put to you gorgeous one, that these qualities are not merely ‘nice-things-people-say-to-lift-your-spirits’. Academic research evidence that these and other highly valuable & positive qualities are actively sought out by pathological narcissists in intimate relationships. Indeed, some go so far as to state that the narcissist views themselves as superior/perfect, and that they are attracted to similar others ergo, you must be pretty damned fine.
Sure, you may not be perfect, but without doubt, the reason why the narcissist chose you, is because you have a lot going for you.
Let’s help you find your way to remembering that you DO have a lot going for you. In fact, you are gold baby.
I recognize that accepting scientific findings that narcissists do seek out people with positive attributes, at the outset of healing, can be quite the challenge. After all, you’ve been programmed to believe the opposite through narcissistic abuse.
My plan therefore is to convince you in a circuitous way. I figure recognizing the narcissist’s behavior will be easier at this point than owning your beauty.
In answering ‘why the narcissist chose you’ and proving you are gold; we’re going to apply the lens of envy to their behaviors. Because if you aren’t got nothing going for you, there shouldn’t be anything to envy, right?
Let’s get cracking.
The narcissist’s divided self
First up, the basics.
Pathological narcissism can arise from developmental disruptions in early childhood, where a cohesive self-concept, or identity is never fully realized. Through ‘splitting’, a divided self is created comprised of the true-self & false-self.
The true-self is rejected, and in its stead, the false-self is fabricated to protect the narcissist from what they are psychologically unable to allow: that they are flawed just like the rest of us.
This false self encompasses those traits of superiority, omnipotence & entitlement. To the mind of the pathological narcissist, by assuming these attributes, the less desirable characteristics of humanity which inevitably reside in us all, are nullified since the good & the bad cannot coexist within their schema.
Aside from their perfection being patently ridiculous & contrary to the human condition, this false self has one helluva job.
Want to know why?
Because the narcissist’s psychological survival is contingent on securing external validation through supply that their mythological perfection is reality. Clearly this is fraught with problems, being unattainable and all that. Hence, the host of behavioral patterns which form their disorder.
Making the madness ‘work’
To make the madness ‘work’, they endlessly chase substantiation that they are ‘more than’ all others.
The thing with being ‘more than’, is that it requires a reference point. As without comparison to some other, being ‘more than’ cannot be assessed.
And this is why, the narcissist chose you. Integral to feeding the narc’s ego is social comparison. And you, gorgeous one, were chosen as the narcissist’s reference point.
Pathological envy was the magnet that drew them to you & kick-started idealization. Equally though, envy inevitably also leads to devaluation & finally, discard.
Here’s how it works.
Recognizing envy during idealization
The narcissist selected you because they were attracted to your qualities. As with any relationship, whatever it is about you that is special, is what drew them in.
And this is where the parallel with emotionally healthy relationships ends.
For the pathological narcissist, relationships serve a functional purpose as it relates to being ‘more than’. They are a self-enhancement strategy, and “an opportunity to increase the positivity of the self-concept” (Campbell, 1999, p.1256).
By identifying with you and those gifts of yours that are special, they bolster the favored view of themselves, successfully renouncing that ever present true-self (at first…).
The thing with the pathological narcissist is that beyond the complicated internal landscape of smoke & mirrors, there lies hollowness. By abandoning their true-selves, & adopting that false-self, at their core they experience emptiness.
As stated, the psychological survival of the narcissist hinges on validating the veracity of those traits that make up their false-self. Having denied their true-self, their identity beyond simply being ‘more than’ is at best, limited.
So, in addition to rejecting their true-selves causing emptiness, it means that through the obsessive need to prove themselves ‘more than’ others, their identity at any given time is significantly defined by those they surround themselves with.
Constructing identity
In choosing you, they are also selecting the next evolution of their ‘identity’, given relationships for pathological narcissist’s are in part about constructing their desired self (Morf & Rhodewalt, 2001).
Here’s the thing.
The void they experience & poor sense of identity, are not solely due to setting their true-selves aside. It is also about lacking depth & breadth of emotional range. And whether subconsciously or not, the pathological narcissist sniffs out targets who possess what is absent in them: empathy, compassion, strength, courage, kindness etc.
And you dear heart, I know down to the marrow in my bones, have these beautiful qualities in spades.
Sadly, as you no doubt well know, whilst drawn to these attributes in you, it was never for the sake of valuing them as part of your gorgeous self, and for this reason alone.
You were serving the purpose of mirroring for them what they so desperately needed to believe of themselves. By merging with you and mirroring your specialness, they bolstered their fragile belief system & created the identity they wish they had.
Not so sure?
Reflect on that frenzied torrent you once heard ‘we are twin flames…cut from the same wood…two peas in a pod…soul mates etc.
From their very own lips to your ears. These were the narc’s attempts to convince not only you, but themselves, how very much alike the two of you are.
Relationships as a strategy for self-regulation
What we’ve just checked out through self-enhancement & self-construction, are why relationships are a strategy for the narcissist.
They are a way of regulating the chaos within. For as long as the relationship feeds them by feeling ‘more than’, they are psychologically OK.
Their internal rage is on hiatus. They have temporarily suppressed the beast of envy.
And this is why they went into overdrive in needing to ‘lock you in’. What we are referring to here is, of course, love bombing & idealization.
Recognizing envy in devaluation & discard
When the beast awakens
So, what happens through that process of social comparison with you as the reference point, when feeling ‘more than’ is compromised?
When whispers of what lies at the root of their polarized nature sneaks past their denial, the envy which during idealization was less conscious, becomes more palpable…and the beast of envy wakes: “a painful emotion ensuing from the envier’s lack of another’s quality, achievement, or possession” (Lange, Delroy & Crusius, 2018 p.601).
At the outset, your special traits enhanced their self-image. Up until this point, through identification with you, they have managed to delude themselves into believing you are ‘same, same’. If you are superior, then so too, must they be.
Untenable inferiority leads to rivalry.
But you are not. Never were. Never will be.
And your beauty is so lovely, that even the strength of the narcissist’s denial begins to crack.
Through that comparative process embedded in their DNA, and your gorgeousness, you begin triggering their inferiority. Suddenly, feelings of being ‘less than’ are elicited because the standard you set becomes a threat.
By possessing traits & qualities that they do not have, you are directly jeopardizing their self-concept, that false-self they cling to. And in turn, to combat this, and the possibility of narcissistic injury through feelings of untenable inferiority, the narcissist becomes your rival.
For the narc, this is the great levelling, the only way they know to re-establish their equilibrium. This is, of course, self-regulation in action once more. But this time, you are the victim.
To reclaim their balance through supremacy, you are devalued, invalidated, abused.
The sickness of the narcissist is that enhancing the self comes at the cost of the diminishment of others. To correct the discomfort elicited, they must level the differences (Lange et. al., 2016; Zlatan & Johar, 2012).
Enter schadenfreude: self-regulation through the malicious, intentional sabotage of the target of envy.
It is the pleasure derived from the pain of another. You know that smirk you catch on their faces every now & then when the mask slips, & they know they’ve hit the jackpot in hurting you?
That’s it. That’s schadenfreude.
Put differently, your misfortune, makes them feel better.
Combine rivalry & schadenfreude in a big old festering pot of poisonous narcissistic self-regulation, and what do you get? Hate bombs.
You get ALL the invalidation tactics you know so well. We’re talking dominance, derogation, intimidation, emotional blackmail, gaslighting, smear campaigns, lying, violence, manipulation, isolation, stonewalling, silent treatment, ghosting, projection etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum.
There’s not one bit that didn’t resonate, right? ALL this.
You have lived it. You have SURVIVED it.
Concrete Angel
References & bibliography
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