Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Narcissist’s Final Discard

The narcissist’s final discard is hurtful and often downright brutal. This person will typically blame it all on you.

However, the narcissist may also blame fate or life events, claiming that if things were different or you would of changed.

Unfortunately, things aren’t different, and it wouldn’t matter even if they were.

Additionally, the final breakup is when this person finds their narcissistic supply from someone else.

Just remember that if you let the narcissist comes back, this person will never change. It will be the same cycle of dump and reconciliation for a short time repeatedly if you let this happen.

What is the Final Discard?

The final discard is generally when the narcissist found another person or supply to take your place this usually happens quickly after the breakup to prove to everyone that they can get anyone they have a point to prove an ego to upkeep.  More than likely if quickly then they both were already sneaking around already…

Reasons the Narcissist Discards You

The narcissist has many reasons that they  will leave a relationship.

Lack of Narcissistic Supply

Once you no longer give this person what they need, the narcissist will look elsewhere. This often occurs if you’re experiencing a hardship in your life or stress that’s taking some of the attention away from the narcissist.

You’ll be stuck with your issue and the heartbreak of a broken relationship not to mention the betrayal. It's only about them not about your feelings they never loved you or cared. 

New Supply

Since the narcissist loves making new conquests, plus feeds the ego this person will finds someone else to give them a fix.

While the individual may frequently cheat while in the relationship and betrayal, they will eventually go to someone easy that has an illusion of the honeymoon stage and attention. But remember you were once there also. 


If the narcissist is caught doing something wrong that you can’t stand by them, this person will make your life miserable and verbal abuse you. Remember, the individual needs your absolute and undying support in everything. Once you can’t give that, it’s time to toss you to the side even though you did nothing wrong. they never cared about your needs the relationship was always about them. 

Stages of Narcissistic Discard

You could say that once you start a relationship with a narcissist, it’s already the beginning of the end.

This person has no legitimate feelings about anyone but themself, but they are certainly cunning and charming enough to make you believe he or she truly cares. Not to mention the perfect person to get involved with.

After the love-bombing tactics the narcissist has used to lure you into their world, the relationship takes on a different dynamic once you’ve been hooked.

You’re no Longer Special

In the beginning, the narcissist makes you feel like you’re one in a million and typically showers you with affection and gifts.

However, once this person knows you’re all in, this love bombing stops.

Although it may be a bit gradual, it usually happens suddenly. While this should be a red flag, you’ll most likely overlook it as a phase that will pass.

The Manipulation Begins

The narcissist will work hard to control you through gaslighting and other tactics. He or she will blame you for everything, making you feel worthless and dependent on them.

If the narcissist feels like they are losing you but isn’t quite ready for the big ditch, this person may toss in brief bouts of affection or tell you what you want to hear.

But this is just to string you along until they find another supply which usually a snake in the grass already, which you can bet the narcissist is looking for.

The Narcissist no Longer Tries due to search for next supply.

When the narcissist tries to defend themselves when you catch this person lying, cheating, or whatever, you know the end is near. They will hang around a bit longer to see how much you’ll put up with. Then turn the table around and blame you for what they are already doing. 

By this time, they are most likely in a sneaky betrayal relationship or have two going on the side. They won’t spend as much time with you do to they found the next fix.

The End is Near

Your narcissist partner will blame you for the relationship going bad even if you think everything had been going fine up until this point. They will make up reasons as to why you are the one who ruined the relationship.

At this point, the two of you may break up. The narcissist will leave you heartbroken and empty after tearing away every bit of self-esteem you may have had.

This person does that, to make you feel unworthy or unlovable, so they don't feel guilty of the wrong they did. So, you are the problem. 

Often, the narcissist will just disappear without saying a word. That’s because he found a new victim or supply for his fix.

Is This the Narcissist’s Final Discard?

Once the narcissist leaves you, this person will likely try to come back into your life weeks, months, or even years later.

You may even hear about how you were evil while the narcissist was the victim as this person spreads lies to make themself look so innocent and good to others. Not to mention that the next supply or fix they are going around making everyone think how perfect they are…  Which we all know won’t last.

What Happens After the Final Discard?

Oddly, it’s referred to as the “final discard” because it’s very rare for a narcissist ever to make it truly the end.

You see, once a narcissist exhausts their supply, they may remember getting so much from you in the past.

Be aware that this individual will act as they finally had an epiphany and seen the light that the two of you are meant to be together, that they couldn’t stop thinking about you whether its good or bad thoughts.

However, if you do go back, it’s only temporary. Once the narcissist has found an exciting new supply for their ego boost, you will be discarded again.

It’s important to remember that the narcissist doesn’t love you. Yes, that hurts to know, but it’s the truth. This individual can’t feel love like others do because it’s all about the narcissist.

It’s up to You

Although the narcissist may never come back into your life, You may agree to talk to this person because you want closure. Any answers you get will be lies.

Either this person will blame you but be willing to give you another chance, or finally seen the light that the two of you were meant to be.

Just remember, you’re not going to get honest answers. The truth is, you were with a narcissist, and that’s just how they work relationships.

Instead of dwelling on the beginning of the relationship where you felt so special and loved, think about the horrible things the narcissist also put you through. Do you want to go through all the ups and downs again just for another heartbreak?

If the narcissist knows your weaknesses, especially if you’re codependent, this person will eventually find the right words or actions to get you back every time.

This is why holding to no contact with a narcissist once the breakup it’s so important. No matter how hard this person tries to get back into your life, you must stay strong and resist any type of contact.

You may need to find a therapist to help you learn coping and resistance skills along the way, but this will help you avoid being victimized again.

Only you can create the absolutely “final” discard with the narcissist, and breaking free from this person can be the best decision you’ll make for your self-esteem and self-worth.

If you struggle with anxiety, depression, high-stress levels, relationship issues, or other specific challenges, one-on-one support from a therapist can help a lot.

You are not alone

You don’t need to go through this alone. There’s no shame in getting help!

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