Abuse Recovery Tips
It can take time to heal from an emotionally abusive
relationship, Williams says. A mental health professional can help you recover.
But there are also strategies you can use on your own to regain your footing.
Write it all down
I encourage people to start journaling their reality it
helped me. A classic strategy for emotional abusers is to make you doubt
yourself. So, write down everything — what you did, what you said, what you’re
By keeping a record of your life, you can look back when
you’re doubting yourself. Confirming that your memories match with that record
will help you trust yourself more.
blaming yourself
If you’ve experienced emotional abuse, you might have
absorbed the (untrue) message that it’s somehow your fault or that you deserve
it. Think again.
“It’s not about you. It’s about the abuser’s need to
control you. “Remind yourself — over and
over, if necessary — that it isn’t your fault.”
Don’t engage
If you’re in a situation where you still need to interact
with an emotional abuser, try to step back. It’s not always easy — remember,
they’re trying to get a reaction out of you. But you don’t have to
give them that satisfaction.
“See what happens if you don’t respond. Don’t argue. Don’t
apologize. “Choosing not to engage is one of the most powerful things you can
Question your “normal”
If you grew up in an emotionally volatile home, you might
think yelling, intimidating and shaming are normal. “But what you’re used to
isn’t necessarily what’s healthy. Taking
some time to reflect and question what you think is normal.
Learn to trust
Emotional abuse can leave its stamp on you. People who
experienced emotional abuse may fall into similar behavior patterns as adults.
One common reaction is to distrust others.
Intimacy is so scary, you want to run in the opposite
direction. But there are plenty of good, kind people out there. Once you spot
your trouble with trusting, you can start to chip away at it and begin to let
people into your world.
Put yourself on your to-do list
People who grew up in emotionally abusive homes often
become people- pleasers. If love was conditional when you were growing up,
you might always feel the need to prove your worth.
But if you’re taking care of everyone around you —
physically, emotionally, even financially — you can get overwhelmed. Don’t
forget to take care of your needs, too.”
Ask for help
It’s a natural tendency to downplay the effects of emotional
abuse. People often think if they’re not feeling extreme pain, they should be
able to deal with it on their own.
But asking for help is a form of self-compassion. If you’re
trying to move on from an emotionally abusive relationship, there’s no shame in
seeking professional help. Once you start to recognize emotional abuse, it can
help to have someone coaching you through it.
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