Sunday, February 25, 2024

This is The Man Who Deserves Your Love

Love the man who makes you laugh. Love the man who gives you his time instead of sugarcoating his absence with material gifts love the man who brags about you to others when you’re not around.

Love the man who knows the difference between fucking and making love and does both when the timing is right. Love the man who makes it safe to lay on his chest while he strokes your hair when you’ve had a bad day.

Love the man who can stand in the background and watch you in the spotlight, with a smile without it, threatening his masculinity.

Love the man who thinks you are your sexiest when you’re in the bathroom with messy hair or brushing your teeth while wearing his T-shirt. Love the man who wants you to fulfil your dreams and stand by your side as you do so. This is the man who deserves your love .

Concrete Angel 


Just Tired

She’s just tired. When a strong woman finally gives up it’s not because she’s weak or because she no longer loves her man. To put it in the simplest term she’s just tired she’s tired of the games she’s tired of the sleepless nights. She’s tired of feeling like she’s all alone and the only one trying. She’s just tired.

Some might say that woman is weak for giving up on a relationship but I disagree. When you’ve done all you can and you’ve reached that point where you feel physically emotionally and spiritually drain you’re only option left is to leave. Not because you want to because you have to for your own sanity and peace of mind.

Concrete Angel


How Frustrating


I'm Moving on With My Life

You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won’t happen automatically you will have to rise up and say, I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I am not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.

Concrete Angel



Choice is the most powerful tool we have. Everything boils down to choice we exist in a field of infinite possibilities. Every choice we make shut and infinite numbers of doors and also opens an infinite number of doors to. So, at any point, we can change the direction of our lives by a simple choice. It’s all in our hands, our hearts and in our minds.

Concrete Angel


What I Have Learned from Life

What I’ve learned from life is that for every inch of sadness lies a foot of happiness ahead. I’ve learned that the simplest of times brings the grace of pleasures and the hardest goodbyes which can often lead to the best hellos. I’ve learned that crazy chances guide us to unexpected discoveries, and that tough times unveil the sincerity of people. I’ve learned that you have to hold onto your smile every day and free yourself of that frown.

I’ve learned that we can get through the hardest times in life but also realize It just takes time and love to heal.

Concrete Angel 


It's Going to be OK

Sometimes the door closes not because we fail, but because something bigger than us says this no longer fits our life. So, lock the door, shed your tears, and when you’re ready, turn around and look for the new door that’s opened. It’s a sign that you’re no longer that person you were, it’s time to change into who you are.

It’s going to be OK you got this

Concrete Angel


This is The Man Who Deserves Your Love

Love the man who makes you laugh. Love the man who gives you his time instead of sugarcoating his absence with material gifts love the man w...