Monday, January 8, 2024

You are allowed to be upset when someone hurts you.

You are allowed to be upset when someone hurts you.

You are not obligated to always take the role of the bigger person, and invalidate your own feelings. There is no need to immediately search for the lesson in the hurt, or think the one who hurt you for gifting you resiliency.

You are allowed to just feel hurt, betrayed, wounded. You don’t have to swallow the pain. You don’t have to let it simmer within you only to bubble up when you least expect it. The feelings of those who hurt you are not more important than your own. You don’t owe them forgiveness. You don’t owe them Grace. You don’t owe them understanding. you owe yourself all that. You owe yourself the freedom to honor your feelings, however, they may be.

Concrete Angel

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