Sunday, January 7, 2024

The After Effects of Narcissistic Abuse

Even if you are over the narcissist, you will still experience so much psychological trauma. Your brain is affected. Your functions are affected, and the way you see the world is affected. There is so much damage in these relationships that the stress alone will have dire effects on your health. You cannot constantly be in hyper vigilance mode and not be affected. Your cortisol levels are high, and you are exhausted, mentally, emotionally and physically. You feel different like you don’t fit in the world anymore. You feel broken, and like no one understands. How could they when you didn’t even know the extent of the damage that was ensuing. You come out of this relationship, scared, bruised, and completely lost. Not knowing if you will ever feel the same again. Feeling like you will never fit into the world again. They break you down in a way that there are no words that could accurately be explain or describe.

But in time and patience you can get through this you are not alone.

Maria Consiglio

Concrete Angel 

  Concrete Angel -She is Me - Learning to Heal

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