Sunday, January 7, 2024

Self-compassion, and understanding are strength.

 For many trauma survivors, adjusting to change, is above all out stressful. A new job and office move or change in personal routine can be deeply troubling. Unwanted change can be especially challenging if your face the unknown usually triggers, fear, or sense of danger, as it does, for someone with a history of trauma.

Trauma survivors may have negative thoughts and feelings about change, addressing them can build new strength that allows new positive experience to unfold.

No matter what the change is all the things you’ve learned and worked on, are always with you. Ultimately, that is what will help you keep changing, growing and expanding to a place of healing and enjoyment. We have options when it comes to adapting to change, taking positive steps towards change, ultimately helps to a person's emotional Window of tolerance, supports Healing, and ultimately enhancing a person’s life experience.

Know that you have the wisdom, courage, and strength to experience change in positive ways, no matter what your experience was before. Self-compassion, and understanding are strength you can use and strengthen, so new experience can feel good, safe and comfortable for you.

Concrete Angel

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