Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Learn to Forgive Yourself

Learn to forgive yourself for every time you acted against what you deserved because you put someone else first.

For all those days you spend alone with your phone in your hand, restless, refusing to ring the only person whom you wanted to hear from, because deep down, you knew they never loved you. For each night you spent wiping tears that damaged your pillow over people who couldn’t care less of your heart.

Learn to forgive yourself for being soft in the world that didn’t know what to do with a soul like yours and for taking time to learn that love is not pain. Love does not make you uncomfortable.

Love is not unsure about you. Love is not wrapped up in apologies and Band-Aids to cover up all the scars that weren’t there before they arrived.

Learned to forgive yourself, for thinking that love is all those things because those you love didn’t know how to cherish you in return. Learn to forgive yourself for questioning love rather than the people who didn’t know how to carry the weight of it in their hearts. Learn to forgive yourself for trusting, hurting and breaking more than once over someone who wasn’t worth it.

With accepting and forgiveness also comes a new chapter and hope that you have learned what you needed to..

With forgiveness also, comes responsibility to trust yourself again. With forgiveness comes belief that you will now know what’s right for you and from now on you will never accept anything less than what you deserve.

Concrete Angel 

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