Monday, July 3, 2023

I wish someone taught me



I wish someone would have told me that sacrificing my boundaries in the name of empathy wasn't noble.  I wish they would have warned me that it would make someone a safehouse for their demons.  

I believe empathy should be taught.

That we should put yourself in other people's shoes and see the hurt they were given that made them hurt you and also understand that you still don't deserve what they're doing or done.  Their scars are still no excuse for the wounds they gave you and the hurt. 

Thier ability to heal is something you cannot fix. If you decide to stay and continue to let them treat you in these unacceptable ways.  Then you are given them excuses and a safe place for their darkness. When you should be trying to demand them to do better.  By allowing them the only thing you are teaching them is that you will put up with it.  

We all want to live in a world where people don't hurt people or hate, but the reality is that it has to start with you standing up for yourself and not accepting disrespect, abuse or betrayal.  

Sometimes you have to walk away, and decide to heal... by walking away you also choose to take the darkness that the world gave you and still try and find the light and be there for others... You also decide to choose kindness despite all the pain you received by someone you loved.

But don't think that you failed you loved them with your soul and heart. You are and were brave in spite of all the red flags that you saw.  In spite of all the warning signs that were in front of you.  You tried to love someone that was broken, you tried to heal them anyway you could as many times as you showed up for them and stood by them as many times as you tried to help them, they still abused you. 

It just means that you have a big heart it also means you love harder than most people and you invest yourself and gave 100% . You gave it your all heart and soul. 

The problem was you gave it to the wrong person, so don't look at it as a failure it just shows your able to love someone even when they hurt you and causing you pain. You were also able to love someone and look past the pain they caused you.  Thats how much you were able to love and that's a wonderful thing not everyone can do that.  

You are so selfless because you were able to love someone that hurt you so deeply so don't think for one minute that it makes you weak or stupid. 

It actually made you stronger. it actually made you who you are today.

Its ok you're not alone so stand strong and be proud .

Concrete Angel

Don't give up


Saturday, July 1, 2023

Sometimes what's meant to break you makes you brave and strong

Some days I struggle, some days I cry, some days I'm just holding onto all the pieces just so I can feel whole again. When the days I feel I can't go on..... I remind myself that I made it through everything that was meant to break me.

Sometimes what’s meant to break you makes you brave. We all deal with struggles in our lives and when we see ourselves succeed, we can face more of them head-on.

There have been some ups and downs during this time in my life. I don’t know about you, but I’ve learned quite a bit about myself. I learned that I need time alone. I need time where no one is in the house and I am not “on-call” as mom, wife, daughter, friend, or anything for just a little while. I need that to feel like myself and rest all the parts of me that insist on caring for everyone and making them priority over myself even when there is no gas left in the tank. 

I have learned that as difficult as this time has been, I still truly believe that this is the best time of my life. It’s a strange thing to say, but it is something I try to remind myself of. I am so grateful for the people that have come and gone in my life, the true colors people have showed me, and the support system and new friends . I am lucky to have somewhere safe to be, food on the table, and the ability to care for and heal myself. I still have not got everything together on my own since all was taken from me. So on the days when it is difficult to remember, I try very hard to remind myself of this glaring positivity. 

We all deal with tough times and navigate important things, and sometimes at the same time. If our entire lives were easy, we wouldn’t know what real courage and strength was. We wouldn’t have anything to compare it to. 

Everyone encounters challenging times in their lives. I think we can all agree that you never know what life will throw at you. Life is one big rollercoaster ride of ups and downs.

There will be times when you feel like you’re on top of the world, while other times, you may feel like you’re at rock bottom. Most of us will sway on both ends of the continuum at some point in our lives.

Playing with the unknown makes the journey through life equally exciting and terrifying.

If you’ve been clinging to dear life with the belief that life is supposed to be linear, you’re in for a rude awakening.

When bad things happen, it’s natural to feel down and hurt. You may even fall into the trap of assuming that things will never get better. Unfortunately, this mindset is the very thing that keeps so many people stuck in one place and drowning in victimhood.

So, this wild ride that we call in life is actually an endless string of highs and lows, successes and failures, setbacks and comebacks. This is why it is imperative that you develop your resilience muscle.

Bouncing Back

I know how hard it is to pull yourself out of the rubble when life knocks you down. My rock bottom was ugly. I wasn’t ready for it. It hit me like a ton of bricks and left me feeling hopeless, scared and unloved or wanted not to mention the betrayal and domestic abuse.

My greatest knockdown in life tested my physical, mental, and emotional resilience. However, through it all, my ‘bounce-back ability’ is starting to grow stronger over time and healing.

In many ways, this horrible experience has become my greatest gift. It’s given me the ability to connect with my mind, body and, and soul on a whole new level. More importantly, it led me to my life’s purpose and open my eyes to a lot of things.

In my experience, the goal of resiliency isn’t just bouncing back fast. Rather, it’s about learning how to bounce forward. In order to prevent the same mistakes from happening again, it’s not enough to merely rebuild yourself. Trust me its a lot of healing and learning along the way.

You’ve got to take it one step further and find meaning in difficult times so that you can your transform pain into possibility.

When it feels like you don’t have the strength to get through difficult times, I’m here to tell you that you do.

Take a moment and think back to every hardship you have endured in the past.

You are still standing. Why do you think this is? What was it about your character that allowed you to get through these difficult times?

I would argue that today people don’t give themselves enough credit for how truly resilient they are and have always been.

It doesn’t matter how many times you fall. All that matters is that you bounce back.

I’m a true believer that you will never know how strong you are until being strong is the only option that you have.

I am the living proof that you can transform rock bottom into a life that is truly purposeful. However, you’ve got to believe that this is possible for you. Trust me there are times I fall back but I keep going forward.  Pain starts getting less.

Lessons to learn along the way.


Let’s face it… it’s disappointing when life knocks you down. In this state, it’s easy to drop into self-pity and blame the world for your problems. The internal narrative, “Why me?” may play out in your head like a bad record.

However, just because you get derailed, that doesn’t mean that you’ve failed altogether. I like to give myself five minutes to wallow in my disappointment and then, I get back to being an emotional gangster.

How do I do this?

By reframing my interpretation of a negative experience.

Reframing means changing the way you think or “talk” to yourself about a stressful event. Instead of saying “I give up”, “I’m a failure,” shift your internal narrative and say something like, “This is merely a setback. I will get through this because I’m a strong person.”

It all comes down to the meaning that you give experiences in life, both the good and the bad. Stressful life events are merely opportunities for you to grow and become more.


I believe that self-compassion helps you face life’s challenges with more grace and ease. No matter what setback you encounter in life, don’t beat yourself up about it.

Whether it was something within your control or not, show yourself some self-compassion.

When you take the time to be kind to yourself, you are reinforcing the idea that you deserve to be treated well. The worst thing that you can do is blame yourself. This is a surefire way to experience feelings of shame which is a strong burden to bare.

Self-compassion acknowledges the reality that you are having an unhealthy moment, not an unhealthy life. You always have a choice what the next moment is going to be.

The next time that chaos strikes, ask yourself what you need in order to feel more grounded when everything in your environment feels uneasy.

Showing yourself love is all about acknowledging and accepting that you aren’t perfect, and neither is life! All any of us can do is our best.

Adopting this mindset will allow you to view challenges more objectively and in turn, feel more in control of your life.

At the end of the day, you cannot control how others react or what the world gives you. However, you can always control your inner world.


If you refuse to take responsibility for life’s setbacks, you avoid problems altogether and, in turn, disempower yourself.

A setback may not have been your fault. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t take ownership of it. When circumstances are unfavorable, it takes guts to say, “I’m owning this.”

Spending time and energy being bitter towards a situation is a waste of time. You can’t move forward in life if you’re too busy blaming the world for your problems.

Avoid making excuses at all costs and recognize the role that you played in the situation. This is how you will feel empowered to learn from your mistakes and bounce back fast when you get knocked down.

In the words of Erica Jong,

“Take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: No one to blame.”


Life acts in funny ways. What may seem like the worst thing in the world may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

Did life really knock you down, or is life just trying to steer you in another direction? The second that things aren’t going our way, we’re often inclined to think of it as a bad thing. But what if it isn’t?

By looking at the bright side of a difficult situation, you will feel more empowered to find a solution to the problem.

Research shows that having a positive outlook in difficult circumstances is not only an important predictor of resilience, but it is the most important predictor of it.

Optimistic people always look at obstacles and challenges as opportunities to improve themselves. If you can see the glass half full, you will be a happier person overall, regardless of life’s knockdowns.


When life knocks you down, you always have two choices — get up and move forward or stay on the ground and accept defeat.

From my personal experience, I have found that the longer you stay down, the harder it is to get back up again.

I encourage you to use every fall as an opportunity to evolve into a wiser human being. Failing is merely proof that you’re trying; so, fail more and do it well!

The reality is that you won’t grow from merely hanging out in your comfort zone. True growth requires that you take big risks and put yourself on the line, without knowing what the final outcome will be.

The path to an extraordinary life will require that you do the very thing that others aren’t willing to do.

I have yet to meet successful people who hasn’t struggled to achieve the success they now have. The only difference between them and everyone else is that they don’t give up when things get tough.

When they get knocked off track, they jump right back in without giving it a second thought. If they can’t find a way, they make a way. There is no option B.

The next time that life knocks you down, bounce back fast, knowing that your refusal to quit means that you’re already winning at the game of life. Every struggle you experience is a mere steppingstone on the road to your success.

I believe that we can only know true happiness when we’ve been forced out of a comfort zone or even a place where we are not loved or cared about. When we have to see the potential dark places and fears. You appreciate life, and in the long run, I think it makes us more grateful. I found that out after Brain surgery everything changed, I looked at life different and started appreciating life and looked at things in a different way.  It is very difficult to take things for granted when we’ve dealt with the great potential of them disappearing. I guess that’s how I decided to get back into another relationship again after my marriage.  I also realize I tried too hard to make people around me happy and loved that I forgot about myself.  It also didn’t help with the abuse because it made me tolerate it until it broke me. 

We all have stories, and we all have hard times, but changing your perspective and seeing your strength may help you see the world in a new way, just as it keeps transforming for me. 

Falling down is just a part of life. However, getting up is where the real living is. Whatever you do, don’t give up.

In the words of Vince Lombardi,

“It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up.”


Pick yourself up off the floor, wipe away your tears, and keep going. You’ve got this.

 You are not alone

Concrete Angel

If I treated, you the way you treated me

 I f I treated you the way you treated me, i'm sure you would hate me. this statement is a powerful reflection of the way we treat other...