Friday, May 26, 2023

Not that I don't know how to spot a problem

It's not that I don't know how to spot a problem. My bullshit meter is fine tuned.  Most of the time, I know someone is feeling a certain way.  The problem is that I'll keep giving them chances, and chances and the benefit of the doubt, and making excuses for them.  Until finally I take the blind folds off and see who they really are.   

The problem is deep down you knew but you kept wishing that things would change. Problem is you waited until they broke your spirit and soul.   Then one day it happens you make a choice for peace...

Now you can wake up and you're in this place where everything feels right.  Your heart is calm not hurting from someone you love.  Your soul becomes lit again.  Your thoughts are positive.  Your vision is clear.  You're at peace, at peace with where you've been, at peace with what you been through and at peace with where you're heading.

Life can be beautiful with love around you. 

Concrete Angel
You are not alone.


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