Saturday, May 20, 2023

Change is beautiful—it is painful, but eventually you will see the light.

 Think about your life and what you have accomplished thus far. Recall the places you have been and the memories you have had the opportunity to create. Reminisce on the friends you have grown up with and have over time distanced from. Now, think about the friends who you have met and grown to love in the most unexpected times and unconventional ways. Each friend and person that’s come into our lives has helped shape us into who we are today. Every encounter and interaction have helped us make the decisions that led us to where we are presently.

What I’ve realized is you must let people come and go. You cannot place one person as the sole holder of your heart and happiness. You should enjoy their presence, enjoy their light, but don’t let them consume you, because every day each of us changes. Usually they are small changes, changes we don’t even realize are happening, like the way we think of love or our definitions of happiness. Yet sometimes, suddenly, that friend who was your soulmate becomes more of a soul you knew. Their priorities have changed or their values and thoughts on life are not aligned with yours anymore. Guess what? As much pain as that may bring you, accept the change. And as much as you yearn to call out to them to stay, let them go.

Change is beautiful—it is painful, but eventually you will see the light. Sometimes the best love is being able to love from afar. No matter where someone physically lives, they are in your soul and their impact on you imprints in your mind forever. So, let people come and go. Allow change. And keep your heart open to new love, new souls, and new opportunities to grow and learn more about yourself.

And the best way to accept this is to think of all the people who have left your life in the past or all the relationships you have chosen to distance yourself from. Now, take a moment and evaluate your life.

How have you changed? How has this experience altered the way you love and let people in? Think about your life and all that you have already accomplished. And now take a moment and think about how much more you have left to go and experience.

By allowing this acceptance into your life, you will be amazed at the solace you will find and the space you will create for new experiences to be created in your life.

You are not alone

Concrete Angel

Tuesday D’Eon

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