Sunday, April 9, 2023

To Grow Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually

Life these days has become so hectic that it’s very easy for us to get caught up in just trying to “survive” each day. By “surviving” we’re not referring to making sure we have something to eat and drink each day; “surviving” has become so much more complicated than that. For many people, “surviving” a day means being able to accomplish what others expect of them — “others” being the boss, the spouse, children, parents, friends, and so on.

While there’s nothing wrong with meeting others’ expectations, the danger in getting to pre-occupied with doing so, you begin to lose track of the most important person in the world: ME, …… I mean YOU!

 Keep in mind that you’re trying to meet other people’s expectations either because these people are instrumental in the goals you want to accomplish (such as your boss who plays the lead part in your career and financials) or because they are people you care about (such as family and friends). In both cases, you need to make sure that you’re fully armed and equipped, so that you have a lot of yourself to share with others.

8 Simple Daily Habits That Will Definitely Improve Your Life


1. Complete a challenging puzzle or solve a challenging problem early in the day.

Apart from recent findings linking it to staving off aging-related dementia, doing a mental puzzle early in the day benefits the mind like exercise benefits the body; it’s a strengthening workout, which, in the case of a mental puzzle completed early in the day, keeps the mind sharp and warms it up to prepare it to face the cognitive rigors everyone deals with daily.

Sites like feature mental puzzles that you can do daily and take up very little of your time — a simple intellectual investment that goes a long way.

2. Get moving on something you’ve always wanted to learn.

Whether it be knitting, baking, or computer programming, there’s always something you’ve always wanted to learn but have never found the time for because of your daily preoccupations. Well, you don’t need to wait for your next vacation just to get started on learning a new skill. Instead, you can learn it a little each day by slowly reading a book on it or enrolling in an online course that allows you to work at your own pace.

What’s important is that you’re progressing a little each time towards a new skill that you’ve always wanted to acquire. Before you know it, you’ve learned something you’ve always wanted to, and it’s time to move on to the next learning goal for your continued self-improvement.


3. Do a little resistance exercise.

Resistance exercise is any physical activity that involves a significant amount of exertion by your muscles. While cardiovascular exercises like walking are certainly beneficial to the health, resistance exercises, even simple ones such as climbing up the stairs or doing push ups against a wall, have the added benefit of firming up your muscles and boosting your metabolism throughout the rest of the day — certainly benefiting your health and even your appearance.

4. Replace unhealthy foods with your favorite fruits and vegetables.

Sometimes, leaving out unhealthy foods from your diet seems painful because the healthy alternatives just don’t seem to compare in flavor. But surely, you have your own favorite fruits and vegetables, so why not try to use them to replace the unhealthy foods in your diet?

For example, replace a bag of chips with a bowl of baked carrot sticks topped with fat-free cheese. Absolutely delicious!


5. Let someone know that they’re doing good.

There’s hardly anything that compares with sharing positivity and reaping your own rewards from doing so. This is what letting someone know about the good that they’re doing does for others and perhaps, more importantly, for you.

And it doesn’t have to be big accomplishments. In fact, appreciating little things like a good meal prepared or a desk neatly arranged goes a long way in making someone feel good and making you realize how easy it is for you to contribute something positive to the world.

6. Smile when negative feelings are trying to take control of you.

Of course, negative thoughts will try to creep into your mind daily — they’re normal. However, they don’t have to consume you and take over your mood for the whole day.

Often, the simple act of smiling, even forcing yourself to smile, brings positive thoughts to the surface and allows you to get back to your pleasant and most productive you.


7. Start your day by thinking about one good thing you can do for the day.

People often forget just how easy and important it is to do good. For example, it doesn’t take a lot of effort at all to segregate trash so that whatever can be recycled can be reused and not add to the world’s growing waste management problem. But why is it that so few people get around to starting the habit?

Usually, it’s just a matter of deciding to do good, and that’s what developing the habit of identifying a good deed to do each day fosters.

8. End your day by writing down one thing you were thankful for.

The line “It’s not about having what you want, but wanting what you have” says it all. Very often, the feeling of being unsatisfied with what you have is brought about by not realizing how valuable the things in your life already are.

If you make it a habit to write down one thing, you’re thankful for each day, at that particular moment when you’re feeling unhappy or disappointed, glancing through your “grateful list” will uplift you and keep you solidly on the road to positivity and further self-improvement.

You are not alone

Concrete Angel



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