The most confusing thing about
domestic violence is the fact that we find ourselves loving people who hurt us.
This so often stems from early childhood experiences. Oftentimes, we can’t even
see how destructive our relationships are until it’s too late. Our caretakers,
who were supposed to show us love and support, used power, control and violence
to raise us. This leaves us traumatized, and unless we do deep healing work,
attracting relationships into our lives that mirror our abusive relationships
from childhood.
Domestic violence is rarely understood
by someone unless they have experienced it. Police, courts and support workers
can help you in the early stages when seeking safety and advice, but they do
not understand the long-term emotional, physical and financial impacts of
domestic violence and how to completely heal from it.
Victims of domestic violence often
experience PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, similar to soldiers
returning from war. But unlike soldiers, our battle lasts for decades and can
leave us in a constant state of fight-or-flight, our health impacted by adrenal
fatigue and burnout and emotional distress dealing with our children who
continue to visit the abusive former partner.
Broadly speaking, abuse is defined as
the cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal or to treat with cruelty
or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly. But in terms of “cruelty,” I
have found this to be very subjective and dependent upon the individual. There
are also several types of abuse including: physical, emotional, financial,
sexual, verbal, spiritual and many more.
Once you are out of the abusive
situation, here are some ways to make sure you are on the road to recovery.
Abuse is nothing more than one person
trying to have power and control over another. By removing a person’s free
will, autonomy and authenticity, abusers feel powerful. What people who have
experienced abuse have to remember is this:
Abuse is only possible
if one person is disempowered. If you are disempowered, you have low
self-esteem, low self-worth and do not value yourself. Of course this does not
apply to every situation especially with vulnerable victims (child abuse, rape,
random acts of violence), but in relationship abuse this is usually the case.
The way to prevent a person from
abusing you is to become empowered. As within, so without. If you are powerful
on the inside – you have high self-esteem, high self-worth and value yourself –
you will not attract people or partners who abuse you. Abusers will only target
people with low self-worth and low-self esteem – and especially those with a
high degree of empathy and compassion. Abusers themselves do not have high
self-esteem or worth – this is why they abuse. Because they lack the power on
the inside, they exert power and control over others to avoid feeling powerlessness.
On the inside, they are unloved children, rejected by their parents who never
felt like they had power and control in their own lives but they lack true
empathy and compassion.
When children experience abuse, it
seems to affect them in one of two ways: they become abusers, or they become
the continual victims of abusers – or both.
Your safety and the safety of your
children is the first consideration. When dealing with domestic violence and
abuse it is always a good idea to have third parties involved. You need
witnesses. Do not put yourself in situations without adult witnesses. Witnesses
can keep you safe and provide evidence in court and most abusers will behave
with other people present. They prefer to abuse you in private.
Oftentimes, victims of domestic
violence are charged for defending themselves instead of the actual perpetrator
for the source of abuse. Make sure you are safe and make sure you have no
contact with the abuser. Any contact should be in writing or through contact centers
if you have children. Say no, apply for a domestic violence order/restraining
order and do not contact the other party for any reason. Keep your location
private and totally off limits. You need to create a safe haven for you and
your children.
Do not give the abuser your address,
change your locks, change your phone number if necessary (or block them from
contacting you via phone or text) and update all passwords to banking, email
and other applications. If you do need to gather evidence for court, use your
old phone as the way to collect proof meanwhile purchase a new phone to use
going forward.
Never excuse abusive behavior. If you
hear yourself staying things like, “He’s just stressed. He’ll calm down and
then it will be ok.” Abuse is never ok no matter how stressed the other person
is at any time.
Remember, abuse usually follows a
pattern or cycle: the tension builds, there is conflict and then there is a
calm (usually this is when the abuser apologizes and promises to never do it
again). Do not get caught in this cycle or believe that the abuser will stop
abusing. Get out and stay away.
Personal boundaries are the physical, emotional,
and mental limits we establish to protect ourselves from being manipulated,
used, or violated by others. They allow us to separate who we are, and what we
think and feel, from the thoughts and feelings of others. No contact with an
abusive partner is the first step in establishing solid boundaries.
Boundaries are what does and does not
work for you. If you have strong boundaries, people will know how to treat you.
Most likely you grew up in a household that did not show you how to establish
boundaries. You had no idea of what was or what wasn’t appropriate behavior.
You were probably enmeshed with your parents and then become enmeshed with your
partners. Where you stop and they begin can be difficult to discern. Learning
how to establish boundaries is the number one way to keep your former partner,
and future partners, from taking advantage of or hurting you. And remember, you
cannot control your former partner. The only person you can control is
Boundaries are what you teach
children. Boundaries are what you teach abusive adults (who are basically just
raging children on the inside). No contact with an abusive partner is almost
always necessary and learning how not to react to their bait and respond in a
calm, business-like manner will teach them that you are no longer at their
mercy. If you cannot be manipulated and controlled, they will eventually give
up and find someone else to abuse.
But as soon as you put up boundaries
the abuser will test to see how strong they really are.
Here are some guidelines for setting boundaries.
- refuse to play the victim – you
need to focus on empowerment.
- determine your values: how do you
want people to treat you
- learn to look after yourself
- learn to accept disappointment –
you cannot make everyone happy, only yourself.
- be consistent with your
boundaries – abusers will constantly test them.
Many victims of abuse were trained as
small children to become people-pleasers, therefore, we find it difficult to
say no to people and situations that are not in our best interest. Learning how
to say no and stand up for yourself – without feeling shame or guilt – is
important for your recovery. You need to put yourself first no matter what.
Learn to say no and hold your boundaries.
Do not let abusive or toxic people manipulate or control you.
Co-dependency is often present in
violent and abusive relationships. Most people trauma bond (find partners that
match their trauma from childhood) and then two people with dysfunctional
personality traits become worse together.
Co-dependency is a form of
relationship/love addiction – the partnership is based on control, obsessive
nurturing and often occurs when one partner is chemically dependent, or
engaging in undesirable behaviors, such as narcissism. No matter how bad they
hurt you, you keep going back hoping that you can help or heal them and make it
all better. Enmeshment happens when clear boundaries about where you start and
where your partner ends are not clearly defined.
There are CODA (Co-dependent
Anonymous) groups around the world to help you recover from relationship
addiction. Like any addiction, a 12-step program can be helpful. The goal to
overcoming co-dependency is to stop playing the victim. Co-dependency is an
addiction to victimization. STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM.
One of the reasons we find ourselves
in relationships that harm us is because of our exposure to abuse in childhood.
Our subconscious programming from ages 0 – 14 determines how we manifest
relationships, jobs, and everything else in life unless we consciously clear
the experiences, change our beliefs, and re-write the programs. If we have an
abusive person in our life that means, we also have an abusive person inside of
us (our mothers and fathers internalized and writing the script).
After experiencing domestic violence,
we are also physically and mentally suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress
disorder). If we want to create a better life, we must learn to put ourselves first,
care for ourselves, love ourselves, clear co-dependency by becoming responsible
and independent, and heal the trauma from the abuse we have suffered during our
If we want to change our outer
reality, first we must change our inner reality. Learning how to slow down and
get in touch with our body is a good way to begin the process. Exercise, get
massages, go for a walk, meditate – do anything to get into your body and slow
down. Treat yourself like a loving parent would care for their child.
- Attend CODA (co-dependents
anonymous or other 12-step programs)
- Work on clearing trauma and
easing fight-or-flight
Learn new skills, empower yourself,
and build a community around you that supports your healing and thriving. Find
support for your children through counsellors and positive role models and be
the best parent you can be.
Always play the long game – make the
abuser look like the abuser they are by becoming your best self. By investing
in yourself, you are telling the universe you are worthy of a good life, and
you deserve to be treated with love and respect. The more you invest in
yourself, the better your life will become.
Lastly, as a victim you need to accept the
situation, take responsibility for it, actively heal yourself, create a support
network and remove toxic people from your life. Continuing to be a victim and
blame the abuser does not work. You must take actionable steps to free yourself
from the pattern of abuse.
Toxic people include energy vampires,
narcissists/sociopaths/psychopaths (lack empathy, promote selfishness, love
violence), negative Nellies and chaos addicts – do not play their game. Anyone
who does not uplift you and bring good things into your life needs to go.
It’s also a good idea to cut energetic
cords. Often, even after we physically leave an abuser, we are still
energetically linked to them. By removing the energy cord that
binds you to another person you will no longer feed energy to them.
- Removing shame & guilt – take
inventory of your shadow (the part of yourself where you feel the most
guilt and shame) and begin investigating and clearing all childhood abuse
and trauma. Write down your story and then let it go. It’s time to write
the next chapters of your life from a point of personal power.
- Avoid trauma bonding and
co-dependent patterns in your next relationship and consciously work on
yourself and surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you.
Do not repeat abusive patterns and if you find yourself attracting abusive
people into your life, you need to further address childhood wounding.
- If you’ve decided to stop the
abusive patterns in your life this will also involve clearing family and
generational trauma. It all ends with you. Abuse is like a parasite that
travels through the DNA down the family genetic lines. Future generations
will grow up happy and healthy thanks to you.
Please remember that
domestic violence is a symptom of an abusive society. The root cause of
domestic violence is the imbalance we have created as a society and within
ourselves. The “system” isn’t going to help us – lawyers, police and courts
feed off our violence and the abusive system only grows in strength from our
fighting. You can use the ‘system’ as a tool, but it will not help you heal.
You are not going to find a solution or a savior within the system. The only
way to stop violence is with love – to love yourself fiercely and to make a
commitment to change and never allow this in your life again. We are not victims
– we will get stronger and wiser and kinder and gentler and as we change, so
does the world. By saving ourselves, we change the way society functions.
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